Hi, I’m Dawn!

Hi, I’m Dawn! I created this blog after researching five different SAT tutoring companies for my daughter McKenzie.. After enrolling my daughter in the Learner.com program, her score increased from a 1400 to a 1520 in just 3 months (placing her in the 98th percentile).

An image of McKenzie and I
An image of McKenzie and I
An image of McKenzie and I
Dawn Phillips
Mom and tutoring researcher
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Hey there!

My name is Dawn Phillips and I’m the incredibly blessed, proud mama of one amazing young woman named McKenzie. McKenize is an energetic, bright, insatiably curious young woman. I’m the kind of mom you might catch in fashion-forward high heels one day and coaching waterpolo, getting sweaty and shouting the next day! Look, I've pretty much grown up my entire life being active and around family so hanging out with my daughter and being a mom is pretty much what I was born to do. I love hanging out with my daughter and doing the different things that she's into - whether its sports, going out on the town together, or even just hanging out at home and being a supportive ear - I love it all. And believe me, that’s a hard task some days as a working mother!

Pupford Academy

Momma realness

So, I’m gonna be real with you. Being a mom is one of the biggest joys of my life, but it has its challenges and I believe in being transparent. You see a lot of moms living in these perfect little squares online but what about the messes, the trials, and the late night crying because teenagers are mean and they suck sometimes?! I remember one morning being exhausted and running late to church in a braid from the day before because I couldn’t find my brush. McKenzie was crying all night because of this fight she had gotten into with one of her friends and then she had me up at 6:30 a.m. to take her to waterpolo practice. This labor of love can be soul-sucking, but you know what? We got through that mess like we always do, with plenty of laughter, cuddles, and dinners out. You must always go to dinner, by the way, it’s a rule!

Pupford Academy

McKenzie and I at home together

And I gotta tell ya, being a mom is FULL of decisions from what kind of education you should get your child into, to what food will help them grow up strong and healthy! Even though I consider myself an avid yet savvy shopper, (I really dig a good bargain) finding really high quality services that will support my daughter is a non-negotiable.  I've seen first hand that the wrong tutor can make them lose motivation really fast. This is not only hard on the family, more importantly its hard on my daughter. As a result, I was on the hunt for the BEST online tutoring service that was extremely effective, fun for McKenzie, convenient for my family, and cost effective. And boy did I do my research. To love me, is to know I do my homework and I’m sharing my notes with you!

Pupford Academy

McKenzie is choosing to finish her homework without me nudging!

Thanks for reading!

Hi, I’m Dawn! I created this blog after researching five different SAT tutoring companies for my daughter McKenzie.. After enrolling my daughter in the Learner.com program, her score increased from a 1400 to a 1520 in just 3 months (placing her in the 98th percentile).

An image of McKenzie and I
An image of McKenzie and I